December 5, 2010

Reverb Day 5

I'm a little behind on the Reverb10 project.  I'm not going to catch up, I'm just going to jump in now.

Today's prompt:  What (or whom) did you let go of this year? Why?

 In the past month or so I have had to let go of my thoughts and plans for the future.  The future no longer looks like what I thought it was going to.  That's good and bad.  The part that bothers me the most is that I had no control over it.  It affects me in a huge way and yet it was totally out of my control.  Most things are I guess.  I'm letting go of expectations, some hopes and once again any control I thought I had. 

I like to think that I'm doing okay.  Most days I'm accepting and ready to tackle what's to come.  Other days I'm upset and angry; I'd love to stomp my feet and throw a really good 3 year old temper tantrum.  Thankfully the latter days are few.  I usually feel that way when I start to get overwhelmed.  I've started to not think about it...for now.  I can only avoid it for so long.  

The next few days, weeks and possibly months are going to be hard.  I'm going to take them one day at a time.  Deep breath and here we go...



  1. Um, you let go of a lot of hard stuff, lady. I say you deserve a tantrum or two, then a big bowl of ice cream or a glass of wine, or both.


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