August 8, 2010

Trying Again

My amazing husband surprised me this past weekend by building me the flower boxes I've been wanting for two of our windows.  He made it so it wraps around the side of the house...I love it!  So I'm trying again to plant things this summer and not kill them.

I had a great time at Lowe's trying to figure out what I wanted.  I brought Miss Molly along to help but she was more interested in sniffing the ground and getting me tangled in her leash than helping.  I ended up with some pansies, a gorgeous yellow dahlia and some herbs/veggies.  And dirt (but not enough cause I had to go buy more!)

Here's what we have:

 The boxes before I began

The supplies

One side finished

The other side is finished but I haven't taken pictures yet.  I've been remembering to water everything so everything is still alive...for now:)


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