November 20, 2010

A Month of Thanks; My Car

I'm thankful that I have a car.  Getting things done would be much harder without a car.  I would probably be in better shape and things would take a lot longer to get done.  The Man and I could probably make do with just one car.  I'm glad we don't have too...I like sleeping in! 

The whole point behind driving cross country was so I could return my mom's Jeep and I could get my car.  I forgot just how much I love my car.  It's fun to drive.  I enjoyed having the Jeep.  It was so helpful while moving.  It is a gas guzzler and we didn't get the best gas mileage.  I'm looking forward to better cheaper fill ups and being able to go further with each gallon!  I also love many of the keyless entry.  I love not having to have my keys out to get in the car.  I can also start it without a key.  No more digging around for the car key at the bottom of my bag in the rain!  I can't lock my keys in the car either.  I also have bluetooth in the car which will come in handy. 

What feature are you most thankful for in your car?


  1. Right now I would just be thankful for a car... mine is still not working and the train/bus route does make it hard, and long. But I am thankful that I'm able to get around and the buses and trains are always running. My most thankful feature on my car was the keyless entry (a must when you're carring a ton of baby gear) and my cd player.

    have a good day!


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