October 4, 2011


The quick trip to NH also had another purpose besides making memories...it was so I could meet my nephew!  Meeting him was number 53 on my 101 in 1001 list so that's another item crossed off.  I'm just going to town on that list...

He was born in February and I'm just now meeting him...very sad but the way life is sometimes.  He did let me hold him but he wasn't sure who this random person was.  At 6 months no explaining of how cool Auntie Poe and Uncle Man are would have made a difference.  If it would have, his older siblings would have convinced him!  They'll fill him in as he gets older.

The little man
Getting Auntie and Uncle love
Poe and M


  1. That last photo with Little M's sweet grin? I think he loves you already!

  2. Aww, he's so cute! Glad you were able to meet him finally!


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