April 29, 2012

Tight Knit Community

Don't mess with Milspouses

One of the things I love about the military community is how close knit it is.  Even if you’ve never met, you’re still a brother/sister to one who is also wearing the uniform.  It’s the same with Milspouses.  I’ve been blessed to become friends with some incredible women, most of whom I’ve never met.  Even though I’ve never met most of them in real life, I know details about them that goes beyond a casual acquaintance.  I read their blogs, tweet with them on Twitter and are friends with some of them on Facebook.  I talk about them to The Man as if I know them.  I do know them.  We share laughter and tears.  We celebrate and mourn together.  When one of them hurts, we all hurt.   

Several bloggers have been receiving emails (not one but several) about casting for a new reality TV show.  This show is going to be about war widows who are starting to date again.  To many of us in the milspouse community this is disrespectful and in bad taste.  My friend Erika, who blogs at Chambanachik has written a much more eloquent post.  I would appreciate if you would read her words about this situation.  Several of us would like to see a stop to these email and ultimately to the TV show.  You can join us by blogging about it and sharing it on your blog.  Erika created the image above and is allowing people to use to share this story.  You can also tweet with us using the hashtag #istandwithmilwidows.  Taylor, another milspouse blogger has drafted a letter that you can use to send to CBS to protest.  You can find her post here.  At the end of her post is a linky with other posts on this subject.  The more noise we make the more people will know about it and will stand with us. 

Thank you!


  1. I'm so glad we're able to stick up for each other. And I'm glad you and I are friends. :)

  2. I love our group of friends :)


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