January 24, 2014

The Diaper Dilemma

*This is a post about diapers.  You should expect to read about bodily functions.*

Many Waters The Diapers Dilemma Cloth vs Disposables

We started cloth diapering when Munchkin was about 5 weeks old.  We started with disposables because I knew I wouldn’t be up to figuring out cloth with a newborn.  After having the surprise C-section, that was a great choice on our part.  Transitioning to cloth was easy.  I loved cloth for the first year.  It was easy and cheap for us. 

Around the time Munchkin turned one, her urine became more concentrated (which is normal from what I’ve been told.)  This, for us, equals having an ammonia stink in our pocket diapers.  Munchkin’s skin would be red.  I was afraid that she’s get an ammonia burn from it.  After banging my head against the wall for three months, we tested our water.  Our water is hard and that can make it difficult to clean the diapers.  I started using a water softener and while it helped, it didn’t totally eliminate the problem.  I’ve bleached them, used RLR, blue dawn and so many hot rinses and washes that I could fill multiple pools with hot water.  Nothing worked.

I battled it for a little bit longer, trying just about everything.  In December I finally gave up and we switched to disposables.  Munchkin’s bum needed a break and so did mama!  It  helped that Nana watched her while we were on our cruise and disposables were easier for her.  With the craziness of Christmas and our trip to Maine in early January, we kept using disposables. 

I enjoy just throwing the whole diaper away, especially when it was full of poop.  I do not enjoy the disposable smell (they have a distinct odor to me and it is not pleasant.)  I also don’t love the thought of all those chemicals against Munchkin’s skin.  As our stash of disposables dwindled, I had to make a decision…keep doing disposables or go back to cloth?

Most of our cloth diapers are used.  I think the stink issue is coming from the microfiber inserts.  They’ve been stripped and bleached so many times.  I think it’s possible they might be at the end of their life.  The Man has told me that I can buy brand new diapers.  I’m hesitant because I don’t know what kind I want!  Even though disposable diapers are super convenient, I really do prefer cloth.  They work for us and I really do not mind the diaper laundry.

So for now we’re using our fitteds and prefold with covers.  I haven’t had stink issues with these diapers.  The Man doesn’t love them because you have to put two things on the baby.  I don’t mind them at all.  Hopefully these will work just fine until I can decide what pocket diapers I want to get. 

If you cloth diaper, what is your favorite kind of diaper?

Have you dealt with ammonia? How did you get rid of it?


  1. Ugh, even we had problems with prefolds and stink and diaper rash. However, it is a cheaper route! Another option to think of--potty train now. Honestly, I wish I had done it full-force when Cora was 18 months old. A friend of mine did it naked-from-the-waist-down for her boys at that age (and used sign language to start), and it only took a few weeks. I can see now that Cora was so much more agreeable then (and we did start her on the potty then, but not full-out). If you have to keep using sposies, just remember you're still a great mama!

  2. I love my fuzzibunz dipes! If I had it to do over I would have bought the one-size instead of the perfect-sized ones, though. Also highly recommend Rockin' Green detergent! :)

  3. I haven't had this issue, although I've read many that do. Go easy on the bleach if her bottom is irritated (I'm sure you know that). Baby #3 is still using the SAME BumGenius 3.0 from my 4 year old!! (I've added new diapers however and chucked some of the old) I really like the BG4.0 and always have. My kids didn't fit well in the fuzzybunz as they were big/sturdy.

    Have you tried No bleach, but baking soda? I know everyone has their own method. I've used the ones you mentioned too (bleach & blue dawn). I have only ever used Charlie's Soap...

    Have you used the liners for sore bums? I put cream along w a liner... But I know your frustrations....

  4. I would highly recommend check out Cloth Diaper Addicts before you toss those. She has lots of info on dealing with any and all cloth diapers issues. ;)

  5. Have you tried using regular Tide, like some people swear by? Might be worth a shot to see if they clean your inserts better. We've moved away from using our pockets and gone back to trifolding PFs in a cover. As for night, loving our Sbish OBFs and wool, which are nice and breathable. Between all of that and CJ's Butter, her butt is looking great these days! ;)

  6. I was so tempted to do cloth diapering, but I knew we wouldn't start it until we got back to America (it takes an entire day to do 1/4 load of laundry in Italy), but now that we're back I've lost any and all desire to cloth diaper. It's just easier (and I'm all about the easy) to do disposables for us.

  7. I used to cloth diaper with my first but when I had my second, they were both in diapers and it was just too much. Does you washer have a "santize" feauture? That's what I used sometimes when they started to get stinkier.

  8. I found this: http://www.babble.com/toddler/a-year-of-cloth-diapering-toddler-edition/
    Maybe it will help?

  9. We have used Bum Genius since Levi was a few months old and love them. We have not dealt with the ammonia smell but now I feel as though he just pees in larger amounts so we have to change him more frequently so he doesn't leak. We added a second insert when he turned one, could that help do you think? We also wash each load on a heavy duty cold wash, then a heavy hot and then a rinse and spin to get them clean and we bleach them in with the hot cycle once a month. Not sure if any of that helps - Good luck in all the decision you have ahead :)

  10. My son and his wife use cloth and love them, but I'm not sure what kind? They live in another state. Little one is 7 mos though, so I don't think they've come across the ammonia challenge yet. Thank you for linking to Super Sunday Sync!

  11. I prefer all-in-twos like Best Bottom. The inserts are so much easier to get clean than pockets!

  12. I have one of their covers that I use with our fitted but no inserts. They are one of the ones I'm considering:)

  13. We have several BG's and have loved them. We are having the ammonia issue with them. I don't think the extra insert would help. Thanks!

  14. I think we're going to go to using both. It help keep me sane!

  15. We don't have a sanitize feature:( I have an old school washer. I'll figure something out I hope!

  16. I wouldn't have done it in Italy either! I'll admit that disposables are so nice and convenient, especially with solid poop!

  17. Tide is the next detergent in my list to try! I should use some wool again....Thanks for the reminder:)

  18. I've been using Charlie's and am ready to try something else now. I'll give baking soda a try, thanks!

  19. I have a few fuzzibunz and I like them:)

  20. Oh, yuck! We've been talking about potty training and I think we'll be getting a potty soon.

    And we're back in sposies...my sanity is worth it! Thanks for the encouragement my friend:)


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