January 23, 2012

15 Weeks

I’ve always wanted to be a women who enjoyed pregnancy.  I always expected that I would be.  Imagine my surprise when I realized that I wasn’t enjoying it.  I don’t know if it was the nausea, the frequent trips to the bathroom, the heartburn, the cramping, the constipation, the aversion to food (all food, not just certain things) or the exhaustion.  And don’t forget the waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to fall back asleep.  All of that equals not fun.  The end result will be worth it but when you’re in the middle of it, the end seems so far away.  I guess an upside was the weight loss and the fact that I’m able to fit into pre pre pregnancy jeans.  Well, I was…they are tight again.  The size up is still too big and when I wear them I end up pulling up my pants every ten minutes.  So I’ve switched to maternity pants and they are much more comfortable. 

I’m hoping the second trimester brings a relief to the symptoms like I’m told it will!  Most of them are getting better but food is still not sounding good.  At least I can cook now.  I’d be perfectly happy to not eat except that I know that I and munchkin need me too.  I’ve been living on cereal, grapefruit, orange juice, Carnation Instant Breakfast and chocolate cake. 

Ok, so enough complaining about the yucky parts.  There have been some good parts, like the first ultrasound.  It was amazing to see munchkin.  It was equally amazing to hear the heartbeat.  The Man thinks it sounds like a diesel engine.  It was beating so fast and it’s just incredible.  It’s mindboggling to think that there’s this little person growing  inside me.  There are times when I can’t wrap my mind around it.  It’s so incredible.

I have a little bit of a bump.  A teeny tiny one.  You can only see it when I’m not wearing clothes and since this isn’t the kind of blog, you don’t get to see it yet.  I bug The Man every night by asking him if it’s any bigger.  He does a good job humoring me.  I also have a few stretch marks that showed up around 10 weeks.  I noticed the other day a few more have shown up. Joy…but worth it!

I’ve struggled a bit with the timing of munchkin.  I know that this is God’s timing.  We conceived about one month after dad went home.  I can’t help but think that daddy will never met his grandchild.  I’ve shed quite a few tears over it as I work through my grief.  In talking about it one thought has come up that has no theological basis whatsoever but it brings me comfort anyway.  I like to think that dad got to heaven and met munchkin and told him/her to take care of me and mom before they got sent on down.  Kinda like they tag teamed it.  Like I said, no theological basis at all but it’s working for me so I’m running with it.  Really though, it’s nice to have something to be excited and happy about, to have something else to think about.

For my mommy bloggy friends:

What was/is your favorite part of pregnancy?


  1. Hey! congrats! (I've been away for a minute so this is the first ive read about it) :) ... funny thing, when I started reading this, I thought the same thing about your dad... before i read you had wrote it. so I agree. :)

  2. I think that is a sweet thought about your baby and your dad.  

    I'm not a woman who loves pregnancy either.  But after time passes, I begin to forget that fact and think I love it.  

    For me the best part is definitely feeling the baby move.  That grows the connection between baby and me and makes it all feel so much more real.  I also like when we find out the gender because then I feel like I have a little bit more of an idea of who is in there (but I know some people love waiting for a surprise.)

  3. wait till he/she gets so big your belly shifts! I LOVED that part! I still miss watching my belly move! I do hope you get better soon! Usually it does get better but until then eat whatever your body can handle, I dont care who says its unhealthy! I was so sick I'd pee my pants when I'd throw up! So I ate what I could. Cant wait till you find out what your having!!

  4. my favorite part is the labor!!  yes i can still say that even after BabyL and being in labor for a few weeks :-0  i totally dislike being pregnant but i love having kids lol  i am NOT  a happy pregnant woman at all but, you are right, it so worth it in the end.  

  5. My favorite part so far was from about week 20 through week 32.  I felt really really good all the time, could cook, eat whatever I wanted, didn't cry at the drop of a hat, and everyone around me was very excited.  Now, at 40 weeks, it's just uncomfortable again.  And I HATE the constant "how are you feeling?  did you have the baby yet?" messages.  You don't have to love every second of pregnancy, as long as you have a "I know this is worth it in the end" perspective.

  6. My favorite part so far is feeling her move. Sometimes it feels so weird, but so special at the same time! (She is wiggling as I type this) Also, the hubby's reaction to feeling her kick for the first time was so sweet to witness. He was so excited, like a kid in a candy store. He missed the entire 2nd trimester while underway, but he wants to feel her moving every night before we fall asleep. There is nothing like see his reaction every time :)

  7. My favorite part so far has been feeling her kick and move.  My husband hasn't been able to feel it yet because she always stops when he puts his hand on my stomach.  And decorating her room was pretty awesome too. 

    I was lucky though.  I was never sick.  I just now started to get heartburn a little bit but the Tums usually get rid of it right away.

  8. Thanks Shelly!

    I'm looking forward to feeling munchkin move and find out the gender. Soon!

  9. Yeah the whole eating thing is not fun. We'll see what the midwife says at my appointment this week:) I'm looking forward to watching my belly move too!

  10. YAY for feeling good at twenty weeks! Only 5 left:) Looking forward to seeing your little one...and doing my best NOT to ask how you're doing!

  11. YAY for not being sick! I wouldn't wish it on anyone! Two Tums before bed is a must for me...with sometimes taking an extra one if I take too long to fall asleep! And is the nursery done?

  12. Glad your hubby is home and can enjoy this time with you!

  13. My favorite part of pregnancy was when it was over.  I, too, thought I would love being pregnant, but I had prurigo gestationis with both boys and an undiagnosed fractured pelvis with the second one.  I was NOT a happy camper!

    But it was pretty cool watching my belly move.  And of course, my kids wouldn't be here if I weren't pregnant, so it's hard to say that I really hated it!

  14. I didn't like being pregnant either. And I do like the way you think ... that your dad and baby "tag teamed".  It's amazing how wonderful our God is and the grace He freely gives. He loves us and I don't doubt for a second that He would allow such a thing to happen.

    So happy for you.  Hang in there. It's all worth it!

  15. You will feel so much better in a few weeks.  Hang in there!

  16. Congrats to you! I know that I have been out of the loop for awhile! I am so excited to hear you are expecting.  As for me, my favorite part of pregnancy, was feeling the baby's first movements, in the beginning, before the baby gets really big and movements get a little uncomfortable, it is so wonderful feeling the little flutters.  It reminds me that my little one is doing great, and I like to think it's the baby's way of saying "Hi mom" I don't like being pregnant either.  I had miserable pregnancies both times.  The best part about it in whole, was the two beautiful children I had at the end! :)

  17. I loved feeling my girls move and kick. And hiccups! That was always so fun and made it feel so real. Praying your 2nd trimester is easier!

  18. I am not at the pregnancy stage yet, but I did leave you something on my blog (:

  19. I always thought I would love pregnancy too, but the first half was not as fun as I thought it would be.  It does get better though!  I'm at 27 weeks and other than the occassional backache or shortness of breath when I climb one flight of stairs, it's a much more enjoyable time.  Feeling baby move is such an experience...I can't wait for you to get to that point! 

  20. Personally I'm thrilled that your are pregnant.  I know pretty selfish of me, but I'm very very happy.  Wish I could be there to cook  for you and do stuff, but like everyone has said the end result is worth what ever you are going thru now.  I'm not sure about the "tag team" but I feel pretty good that daddy is smiling.  I'll just have to do double duty, not too much trouble on my part.  So as I sit here with tears I know daddy is as happy as I am.  GOD is so good.

  21. I thought I would totally love pregnancy and just hated it.  It was worth it.  My husband Dad passed away about 6 weeks before my oldest was born.  I too like to think they saw each other in heaven and met for a bit.  

  22. Here is part 2 of my "pregnancy perks" list.... promise you will feel human again soon!

  23. Here is my top 10 list of pregnancy perks...  :) (hope it makes you laugh!)


  24. Your list made me laugh! I already knew where all the bathroom were and it's come in handy:) And I have very much appreciated having two dogs and they *might* have had a few of my smellier moments blamed on them!

  25. I'm really hoping I enjoy the second trimester:) And it's so hard to have a love one missing during this special time.

  26. I know you are! We're thrilled too. I'm looking forward to visiting so you can cook for me:)

  27. Thanks! I'm hoping to get to it next week:)

  28. Thanks! I'm looking forward to feeling munchkin too...I think that it will make it seem VERY real:)

  29. My three pregnancies had ups and downs, including hip/back problems and lack of sleep.  The thing I miss most is feeling the baby move.  My youngest is nearly 6, and recently I started feeling phantom baby kicks now and again.  Wierd, but true.

  30. i cant believe i'm reading this just now, sorry...but CONGRATULATIONS!


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