April 25, 2012

Another Week Down…

I’m so thankful that another week has gone by! I’m 28 weeks and doing well.  I had an ultrasound today and Munchkin is still a girl! I was a little nervous since at the last ultrasound they took a while to decide that she was a she.  There was no mistaking it today!  I would have been really upset if she was really a he.  I’ve become quite attached to my daughter.  We’ve been calling her by her name and it would have been difficult to change it.  We got the see her heart beating and it looks like she has some hair growing already! I hope so…with all the heartburn I’ve been having she should have hair!  The tech also said her legs are long…since The Man and I are both short we weren’t expecting this.  There is height on each side so at least we know where it comes from! 

The whole reason for the ultrasound today was to see if the placenta had moved away from my cervix.  The good news is that it has but maybe not enough.  So they want to do another ultrasound in 4 weeks.  I’m not upset about this at all…I love seeing munchkin!

If you’re on Twitter than you might have seen that I failed my 1 hour glucose test last week. BOO!  So I get to take the three hour tomorrow and spend 4 hours at the hospital tomorrow morning.  Fun times friends, fun times. 

I have some photos for your viewing enjoyment:

2012-04-25 16.05.46

My belly.  I’m FINALLY looking pregnant and I’m loving it. I’m not loving frequent trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night!

2012-04-25 16.04.30

Another shot.  Gotta love how EVERYTHING grows when you’re pregnant!

2012-04-25 16.09.45

Most of the boys in my life.  Aren’t they cute?

2012-04-25 16.03.27

Joey feeling left out of the above picture.  He loves that pillow.

2012-04-25 16.03.18

Molly and her ball collection.  She does her best to keep them away from Joey because he’ll chew them to pieces!

How’s your week going?


  1. Congratulations on the pending arrival of your little one.  The last half of the pregnancy will fly right by!

  2. You are absolutely glowing!!!

  3. I'll be praying that you pass your glucose test with flying colors.  :)

  4. Aw, I'll be at the hospital on Tuesday- it's too bad we won't be there the same day, I'd keep you company.  :)

    You look great!  

  5. Thanks! And I'm hoping it will fly by:) I'm excited to meet my daughter!

  6. Thank you! I'm sure you'll hear about it on Twitter once I know!

  7. Boo! That would be fun! Oh well....

    Hope you're doing well!

  8. Love the photos! You look fantastic! Fingers crossed and you're in my prayers that the glucose test goes well tomorrow! 

  9. You are beautiful!! Sorry about your glucose test… hope you have a good book and that all goes well today!  Can't wait to see pics of your beautiful little girl.  

  10. I failed the first test, too. Hope the second one goes quickly for you! 

  11. Good luck with your test!  And like you said, if you can control it with diet, it's not a bad deal.  Definitely tolerable. 

    I have a surprise for you on my page.

  12. I saw that I won the giveaway! I'm so excited:) What info do you need?

  13.  I'll need to know what you want exactly (you are allowed to change your mind if you want) & address.  I guess that's it.

  14. I failed the 1 hour test with both my girls ( 2nd and 3rd pregnancy) but when I did the three hour I was fine and all was well in the end. Try not to worry too much. And take something to read... the time drags. Good luck!!!!

  15. Look at you and your cute pregnant belly!! :)

  16. You look beautiful! Hope all went well with the 3 hour test.

  17. following you from the July board:)

  18. I was a little worried with my daughter too as with boys- it is pretty obvious they are boys.  But yep in the end she was still a girl. :)

  19. Thanks for coming by and for the follow!

  20. YAY for staying a girl! I'm so glad we got a very clear shot that she's still a girl:)


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