August 21, 2012

One Month

It’s hard to believe that Munchkin is one month old!  Time has flown and already I can see how she’s changed.  She’s gotten bigger and it doing her best to hold up her head.  She’s also starting to fit into her cloth diapers so we’re slowly transitioning her over.  She’s a happy baby.  She has some fussy times at night, mostly from gas.  She’s a gassy girl and her daddy is great at getting rid of those gas bubbles and getting her to sleep.

2012-08-20 10.50.09

2012-08-20 11.04.33

2012-08-20 11.08.17

She’s been sleeping a lot so we have lots of sleeping pictures.  She’s a sleeping beauty!

2012-08-19 16.57.17

2012-08-18 11.54.02

2012-08-17 15.27.58


  1. I love that little pink skirt! She's so adorable. Happy one-month to her (and you as well)!

  2. i wouldn't mind seeing a few pictures of mom and munchkin too.

  3. What a little cutie! Hope you've been getting some rest!

  4. What a sweetie! She reminds me of my baby a lot!!

  5. Wow, I can't believe it's been a month already! I love sleeping baby photos. They look like little angels when they're sleeping.

  6. I know! And we take lots of sleeping pictures cause she sleeps a lot and is just too darn cute! I will admit she's pretty close to an angel when she's awake too. I'm so thankful she's not a fussy baby!

  7. I've been trying! I try to nap with her in the afternoon when she naps. And I saw the pictures of Aubrie on your blog...she's adorable:)

  8. The pink skirt was a hand me down (I love hand me downs! Thankfully I'm one of the last of my friends to have kids so it works out well for us!) It just happened to match:) Now we're staring two months in the's going so fast!

  9. Love the one where she is all sprawled out, so cute!

  10. We love that one too! It's not so nice though, when you're sharing a bed with her:)


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