November 6, 2012

Election Day

Even though I don’t enjoy politics, I do enjoy Election day. 76613_10151133900993495_786860759_n I enjoy watching the news and the electoral college map as they call states for the candidates.  The year I lived in overseas my teammates and I got lunch and camped out in front of the TV and watched the election coverage. 

Today feels kinda anticlimactic though.   The Man and I voted last week and mailed in our ballots.  The Man and I sat down and filled them out with Munchkin supervising.  She wasn’t too impressed!  It still boggles my mind that I can vote before election day and mail 189047_10151133900918495_956081852_nin my ballot.  I grew up in MA, where you go to the polls on election day.  Yes, you fight traffic and people and you might even have to stand in line and wait.  But election day was the day you voted.  On your way out, you got an I voted! sticker.  I feel gyped of my sticker.  I hate to admit it but I wasn’t even aware that you could vote early in so many places! 

I am watching with interest a few different items. 317201_10151133900958495_668512231_n The presidential election tops the list, along with the governor’s race here in WA.  I’m also interested in  WA’s Referendum 74 (redefining marriage) and the Initiative 502 (legalizing marijuana).  It’s going to be an interesting evening folks.  If you’re not conservative, it’s probably good that you’re not going to be at my house tonight. 

As for the outcome, it will affect my life at some point.  I’m not too worried because I know that nothing that happens today surprises my God.  He already knew what was going to happen and He still has everything under control.  Regardless of what happens, Jesus is still King.  Nothing can change that.  Because that is true, I have nothing to fear. 


  1. You can still vote in person. Poulsbo and Port Orchard have in-person voting on election day. My supervisor went there today!

  2. Why didn't I know this?!? I'll have to remember it for next time:)


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