November 8, 2012

The Difference A Year Makes

Right around this time last year we found out we were pregnant.  I vividly remember the emotions. There was disbelief at first, as I didn’t want to get my hopes up and then be wrong.  Once the pregnancy was confirmed by my doctor, there was excitement and joy at the thought of our baby, relief that I didn’t need any more infertility treatment, nervousness at the thought of actually being parents, some anxiety at the unknown and some sadness that my dad would never hold my baby.527455_10151127831688507_1686386667_n  That’s just scratching the surface.  It was the start of an incredible roller coaster ride. 

Now that we have our baby girl and she’s three months old, I can’t imagine life without her!  The Man and I were saying the other night that we weren’t sure what we did before we had her.  She’s amazing and incredible and we are so very much in love with her.  She’s a daddy’s girl and loves it when he holds her.  She loves to watch football with him and life is good when he’s around.  She also love mommy lots.  I love seeing her face light up when I come into the room after being gone for a little bit.  She’ll follow me with her eyes if someone else is holding her.  197231_10151136379228507_490894316_n (1)She also sleeps better when she’s touching me. 

When you’re expecting, you have these images of what motherhood will look like.  For me it was snuggling with a sleepy baby, talking to a smiling baby, watching Munchkin ride her bike for the first time, taking her to Disney.  While I knew that babies cried, sometimes a lot, it was not something I pictured.   There have been nights when she has done nothing but fuss and cry.  Thankfully they are few and far between but the ones we have had have been enough to hurt my mommy heart.  I hate hearing my child cry.  I hate not being able to figure out what’s wrong.  Those times have been enough to make me extremely thankful for my happy baby girl.  The hard times make the other times sweeter.  Without the difficult times I wouldn’t be able to appreciate the good.

643949_10151137646313495_1802868267_nWe love being parents. Even with the fussiness and exhaustion, it’s wonderful. Well, The Man might not think it’s wonderful when I snap at him because I’m exhausted. It’s been an opportunity for me to grow in asking for and receiving forgiveness. I’m thankful that my husband loves even when I’m cranky! He’s also blessed me by allowing me to sleep in and in allowing me to nap without the baby. He’s a dad that loves his daughter and enjoys spending time with her.

I think I’m rambling now so I’ll leave you with one more adorable photo of Munchkin.  I get to see this cuteness everyday and  I love it!



  1. You guys are terrific parents and the munchkin is more than cute,adorable, sweet I can go on and on. Love that baby girl

  2. Oh... she's so cute! I agree with everything you said. It's all worth it.

  3. :) How beautiful to see what a huge life change just one year can bring!

  4. Oh, she is so darn cute! and growing so fast!

  5. Motherhood is such a trip, but one that I'm thankful for even on the rough days. :-)

  6. It is! I'm looking forward to the seeing what the next year bring too:)

  7. It amazes me how fast she's growing. She's really not a baby anymore!

  8. WAY too fast! I'm loving every minute though:)

  9. Yes! It's harder and so much better than I thought it would be:)

  10. Wow and to just think how much more time has gone by now and just how quickly it really does go by! So sweet that you have these beginning memories written down too!

  11. It's true, it's been a whole year plus some since I wrote that! She's grown SO much. It does go by so, so, so fast!


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