January 3, 2013


A New Year often brings resolutions.  I almost never make resolutions because I know I will not keep them.  I’m hoping this year is a little different though.  There are some changes that I need to make for me and for my family.  So instead of calling them resolutions, I’m going to call them goals.  None of them are going to happen overnight and I will probably fail.  I’m hoping I’ll keep trying!

1. Get healthy

I’m overweight. I do not like getting my picture taken and I am no comfortable in my clothes or even in 2008my own skin.  While I do want to lose weight, I’d rather get healthy.  I’d like to be around for a long time to raise my daughter. I’d also like to avoid getting diabetes.  So this one is two fold…I need to lose weight and exercise.  For the weight, I’m seriously considering Weight Watchers online.  I’d like to be the weight I was when we got married.  It’s at the upper end of what’s considered healthy for my height but I maintained that for about 5 years so I know I can do it.  That means I have to lose about 35 pounds. I remember thinking I was fat back then.  What was I thinking?!? The picture is from September 2008.  I loved those jeans.  I still have them and would LOVE to fit into them again!

For the exercise, I’m going to try for 30 minutes three times a week to start.  I need to start small or I won’t do it at all.  I’m also going to look for some kind of mommy exercise group/class for the accountability.  It will also be nice to meet other moms! 

2. Read for pleasure

Since Munchkin has been born, I think I’ve read about 4 books.  That’s a huge change from the beginning of the year when I managed to read about 70 books.  I had a goal to read 115 books this year.  Needless to say I didn’t meet it.  So my goal for this year is to read 52 books…one a week.  I’m thinking that this should be doable!

3. Blog

2012 saw the fewest blog posts since Many Waters began.  It’s not that I don’t have anything to blog about, I do!  It’s just getting them written. So I’m aiming for two a week. I’m sure some weeks will be more and some will be less.  I’m looking for regularity and I think that two a week will be doable for me!

4.Housewifery Skills

I need to step up my game and polish of my housewifery skills.  Or as The Man said, I just need to execute them. I need to be better about staying on top of vacuuming and doing laundry.  Keeping clutter at bay would also be nice.  I feel so much better when my house is clean, don’t you? So I’ll be working on this as well.

5. Faith

I haven’t been in the Word or praying like I should be. I know the difference it makes in my life on a daily basis, I’m just not doing it.  I’m going to be working on reading Scripture on a regular basis.  Same for praying. 

My Word

So I’ve seen on several blogs that many bloggers aren’t going resolutions this year.  Instead they are picking a word for the year.  My word for 2013 is growth.  I’m thinking there should be a lot of that this year in our family!

Did you make resolutions or pick a word?

What are they?


  1. I don't do resolutions either, I never kept up with them. What I did do this year is what I call life changers. Things such as getting healthy that I need to do to better myself and change my life. Good luck on all you wish to accomplish!

  2. Those are some great goals. I think you can do it! Best of luck!

  3. Thanks! And good luck to you too:)


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