March 10, 2015


I’m not a morning person but lately Punkin has been up for the day sometime from 5:30-6:30 (some days it’s 4:30 and sometimes I get lucky and it’s 7 but those mornings are rare.)  To be honest, I don’t love the early to me mornings. I know that they are only for a season.  One beautiful thing about being up early is the sunrise.

Many Waters Sunrise

I don’t remember when I first noticed the sunrise. Our living room is full of windows and a giant sliding door.  The loveseat is angled toward the door. In the morning, when I look up from my lap full of nursing, cuddly baby I can watch the sun rising.

Many Waters Sunrise 1

It starts out with the sky all dark, a blackish blue. Then in one little spot on the horizon, the color starts to lighten. The sky becomes a light blue. The light blue starts to spread a little and take over the blackish night. Then a little orange appears in the that same spot. It spreads too, following the light blue, though it peters out and doesn’t make it as far.  The edges of the oranges fade to white and then into light blue. The whole sky continues to lighten. and the orange grows brighter.  Then the sun finally peeks over the trees.

Many Waters Sunrise 2

I’ve come to love watching the sunrise. It reminds me that God’s mercies are new every morning. No matter what happened the day before, today is new.  I’m so thankful for a new day every day. I need it.

Many Waters Sunrise 3


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