October 29, 2012

Insert Interesting Title Here

I know I haven’t been posting very much.  Munchkin and I were in MA for two weeks.  I was busy showing off my daughter to friends and family.  2012-10-19 11.37.37We had a great time but I’m glad to be home.  There’s something so nice about coming home to your own stuff after being away.

Even though I have been writing very many posts over the past few months, I have been thinking about posts.  I think about what I want to write and even compose paragraphs in my head as I go about my day.  Then I sit down and I can’t get the words out.  They sound so much better in my head.  So I start a post and never finish it.  I can no longer finish a post in one sitting anymore anyway, since Munchkin normally needs my attention before I’m finished.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving being a mom (have a blog post started on that.)  Priorities have changed and I’m still figuring things out.   What I really need is technology to take my thoughts and turn them into blog posts.  Or maybe I just need to invest in a voice to text program.  2012-10-19 11.33.49Someday I’ll get all the blog posts written…hopefully before Munchkin goes to college!


  1. I feel the same way, and my munchkin is almost 15 months old now! It's crazy how all the little things absorb every moment, and your articulate thoughts with it.

    What a beautiful pair you make!!

  2. Don't worry about it. Post when you can. You can't get these days back with Munchkin, but you can always attempt to catch up on blogging later. And I'm glad I'm not the only one constructing blog posts in my head throughout the day.

  3. I know how it is. I can't remember the last time I blogged.

    Anyway, she's super cute! Hope you had a great time!

  4. Didn't you just blog? Thought I some some cute photos of your daughter!

  5. I'm loving the days with her! And no, I think we all write posts in our heads!

  6. Thanks!

    I blame a lot of things on mommy brain these days:)


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